


Building Shou-zang as Living in Sorrow-Using Three Pieces of Vietnamese Sheng-fen and Shou-zang Epitaphs as Examples


林珊妏(Shan-Wen Lin)


壽藏銘 ; 墓誌銘 ; 越南碑銘 ; 立後 ; 喪葬文化 ; Shou-zang Epitaph ; epitaph (Mu-zhi Epitaph) ; Vietnamese epitaph ; Li-hou ; funeral and burial culture




30期(2015 / 11 / 01)


293 - 317






Deeply influenced by Chinese culture, there are titles of steles of Sheng-fen and Shou-zang in "Han Nan Epitaph Collections". Both of them are Shou-zang building in advance when the owners are still alive, and their epitaphs are written by the owner or other famous literatis. There are the most numerous epitaphs of Sheng-fen and Shou-zang in Yi-an Province. Among them, contents of Shou-zang epitaphs by three scholars, Hu Mao-de, Ruan Zhong-jiu and Hu Jie-zhai are worth investigating. They have been inscribed with personal motivations to build Sheng-fen and their life experiences which reveal their philosophy toward life and fortune, and contemporary scholars' frustration and misfortune. Besides, Ruan Tong-zhi, who built and managed Shou-zang with Ruan Zhong-jiu, had engraved his epitaph (Mu-zhi Epitaph) which also shows as valuable Vietnamese funeral and burial culture reference. The research is mainly focused on three pieces of steles with Sheng-fen and Shou-zang epitaphs and on another epitaph (Mu-zhi Epitaph) to discuss related questions both about Shou-zang epitaphs written by the owner or other literatis and epitaphs (Mu-zhi Epitaph) in Vietnam. The function of building Mu-zhi and Shou-zang Epitaphs in Vietnam is similar to inscribing recognizable tombstones for both scholars and civilians after the Sung Dynasty in China. The genre of these epitaphs bears a resemblance to Chinese inscriptions. It shows the Chinese characteristic of Vietnamese epitaphs. Moreover, the contents of epitaphs help realize Vietnamese scholars' funeral and burial cognitions, ideas of life and death and attitude toward life, and it also help understand the historical background and the trend of folklore. It provides the best examples of Vietnamese funeral and burial folk customs through comparing and analyzing Chinese cultural inheritance, Li-hou custom, Sheng-fen phenomenon and Shou-zang culture in these Vietnamese epitaphs.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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