


On the pleasantry tendency and social concern of Wang hen-ho's screenplay "Da Che Pin"


許珮馨(Pei-Hsin Hsu)


大車拼 ; 鬧劇 ; 解嚴 ; 王哥柳哥遊台灣 ; 台語喜劇片 ; 三幕劇 ; Da Che Pin ; farce ; the lifting of martial law ; brother Liu and brother Wang on the Roads in Taiwan ; Cinema in Taiwanese ; three-act drama




30期(2015 / 11 / 01)


319 - 347






Responding to the rapidly developing Taiwan's social structure having become loose over economics and social classes in the 1980s, as well as the diminishing differences between city and countryside, Wang, Chen-ho first wrote the then prevalent "self-defense" down to his screenplay "Da Che Pin" under a background of the Parade and Assembly Law being carried into effect after the lifting of martial law. The story line was unfolded with a series of funny events in southern Taiwan incurred by a villagers sit-in protest striving for having the village opened to traffic, and thus the social issues derived from Taiwan's entering into post-industrial period were given prominence by means of a farce expression of contacting the bizarre and motley urban culture when those rustic from lower middle class could finally go into town via the traffic. Wang once mentioned farce is his favorite, and Da Che Pin, as his last farce work, revealed Wang's artistic practice to farce creation. This paper aims to explore Wang's farce thought in writing the screenplay of Da Che Pin with three dimentions. Firstly, analyzing the three-act drama structure of the screenplay and Wang's artistic thoughts of using parody and collage techniques. Secondly, discussing the inspiration, for Wang to write the Da Che Pin screenplay, which was enlightened by a early Taiwanese language cinema "Brother Liu and Brother Wang on the Roads in Taiwan". Lastly, dissecting the darker issue of the epoch, Taiwan society then faced with, which was implicitly contained in Wang's screenplay Da Che Pin, a work wrote after the lifting of martial law.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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