


Comparison of the Shouyi Methods in the "Taipingjing" and the "Xiang'er"


羅鈴沛(Ling-Pei Law)


太平經 ; 老子想爾注 ; 守一 ; 道誡 ; 氣 ; Taipingjing ; Xiang'er ; shouyi ; Daoist precepts ; qi




30期(2015 / 11 / 01)


67 - 98






Since "Once the body and soul maintaining oneness with the Dao, can they be separated?" and "Having maintained oneness with the Dao, a saint acts as a model for people to follow" were first introduced in Laozi, the "baoyi (embracing oneness)" or "shouyi (maintaining oneness)" has been the pivotal Dao cultivation method in the Daoist philosophy. The "shouyi method" is emphasized equally in both the two early-period Daoist classics of the Taipingjing (Scriptures of the Great Peace) and the Xiang'er (Thinking of You-A Commentary to the Laozi). In this article, I studied and compared similarities and differences between the two classics from the aspects of cosmology, body concept and Dao cultivation theory. From the viewpoint of cosmology and body concept, the two writings were similarly based on the Huang-Lao qi-cosmology which deemed a human body a combination of jing (essence), qi (breath) and shen (spirit). There was not much discrepancy here. But their variance started to appear when they were further investigated in the direction of the practicing technique. The shouyi method described in the Taipingjing involved the meditation linking the spirits of the internal organs and of the outer body, while that method in the Xiang'er was tantamount to the Daoist precepts. Comparing the Taipingjing's shouyi method in pursuit of meditative experience, the method in the Xiang'er appeared easier to follow and more adaptable to the Daoists in the daily life. The "baoyi" mentioned in the Laozi originally dealt with two aspects. The oneness in "Once the body and soul maintaining oneness with the Dao, can they be separated?" emphasized a combination of body and spirit, which must be an ancient cultivation method. The shouyi method in the Taipingjing was a practicing technique touching on a combination of body and spirit. And the oneness in "Having maintained oneness with the Dao, a saint acts as a model for people to follow" referred to a saint with humility but without any desires, who was an example for others to follow. The Xiang'er highly regarded the "Dao" as a standard or norm in the world, so the "Daoist precepts" were proposed as guidelines for the Daoists to follow in the daily life. The precepts can be considered a thinking transformation from "Having maintained oneness with the Dao, a saint acts as a model for people to follow". By comparing the shouyi methods in the Taipingjing and the Xiang'er, this paper has displayed the different modes for the method in the early-period Daoism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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