


An Analysis of Jiaxuan’s Position of Lyrics from the Lyric Collection Gujin Citong


蘇淑芬(Shu-Fen Su)


明詞 ; 稼軒 ; 古今詞統 ; Ming Ci ; Jiaxuanc ; Gujin Citong




31期(2016 / 05 / 01)


159 - 188






People in the Ming dynasty usually take lyrics as unimportant in the literary field and deem it as a genre focused on feelings and emotions. Mei Wu’s Cixue Tonglun points out that lyrics were declining during the Ming dynasty. During the beginning of the Ming dynasty to the year of Cheng Hua, there were only few paying close attention to the Jiaxuan Ci and there were few imitating, harmonizing, and rhyming them, either. During the year of Hong Zhi to Jia Jing, Ting Chen’s Zhushan Tangcihua, Shen Yang’s Ci Pin, Shizhen Wang’s Yiyuan Zhiyan: Ciping all made critiques on Jiaxuan Ci; furthermore, they also imitated, harmonized, and sang it. When it was the end of the Ming dynasty in the year of Wanli and Chongzhen, lyrics-makers unleashed their inner pains and uneasiness through the lyrics, especially those lyrics which were bright and clear, for the power of the nation was decaying then. During the year of Chongzhen, Gujin Citong, which was edited by Shijun Xu and Renyue Zhuo, contained more Jiaxuan Ci than the Sushi Ci. Over the years, it was called "Su Xin" in the fields of lyrics. However, Jiaxuan Ci was suddenly payed much attention during this time. Thus, this study aims to discuss the reasons of this phenomena as the following: First, Jiaxuan Ci is much better in chorusing the tonality. Second, its lyrics can further conciliate people’s mind. Third, its lyrics can further compete with Yan Ci. Fourth, it can balance different lyric parties between the liberal, outspoken and the graceful, restrained. Thus, the collection of Jiaxuan Ci remains a lot to promote its lyrics position in the Ming dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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