


The "Omniscience" discourse in the life insights of Wang Yan's Records of Obscure Mystic


黃東陽(Tung-Yang Huang)


王琰 ; 《冥祥記》 ; 博識人物 ; 志怪小說 ; 佛教靈驗記 ; Wang Yan ; Records of Obscure Mystic ; omniscient person ; weird navel ; miracle tales in Buddhism




31期(2016 / 05 / 01)


55 - 84






"Omniscience" was the common narration style and attitude in weird navels of the Six Dynasties. It used almost omniscient and omnipotent narrative tone and even proposed to use "omniscient persons" with the commentary authority to narrate bizarre rumors, in order to prove that the collected tales were real. This narrative technique of the weird navel was also seen in Wang Yan's Records of Obscure Mystic, one of the miracle tales in Buddhism, in order to explain that Buddhism could sufficiently distinguish everything in life, pointed out the falsities of advocates in other faiths and further proved that the mystical experience of believers was real. The argumentation is from the point of view of a Buddhist. When the believers faced the non-believers or those who did not know Buddhism, the believers could identify and point out the whole story of the formation of false knowledge because Wang Yan believed that wisdom could be acquired through "the perfect mind", and enough to discover mistake of the human law and the belief that it was the truth. Furthermore, the believers could understand the condition of their practice of Buddhism, thus be vigilant and encouraged. Also based on the confidence, they would trust and accept the faith insights and experience of those who were successful in practicing Buddhism, using this to extend self horizons and expecting they could eventually turn knowledge into wisdom

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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