


The Study of Wang Fu Carring on Zhu Xi's Classic of Changes in the Mid-Qing Dynasty


楊自平(Tzu-Ping Yang)


汪紱 ; 易經如話 ; 易經詮義 ; 易學 ; 清代 ; Wang Fu ; Yijingruhua ; Yijingquanyi ; Changes ; Ching Dynasty




32期(2016 / 11 / 01)


119 - 147






Wang Fu is a Mid-Qing Confucian scholars. In Yijingruhua he uses brief diction to explain Guayaoci, thereupon the reader could feel refined of Changes. Yijingquanyi is greater emphasis on elucidating Zhu Xi's Classic of Changes. He specially give recognition to Zhu Xi's Classic of Changes about Changes is the divination book and the way of divining. In their claims, they both advocate the practice of Changes, and think that the ontology and the Gongfu-theory are both important: They pay attention to explain Li, Xiang, and Shu of Changes, and lay stress on the using of Yici by divining. Following in the footsteps of Zhu Xi's studies, Wang Fu expounds Liqi, Xinxing, and the practice of Gongfu, and pay close attention to use in the world. He advocates to understand the circle of the universe, and emphasize that we should do what is humanly possible. Wang's Classic of Changes provides practical alternatives for modern Classic of Changes. He accepts the argument that Changes is a divination book, and attaches importance to the life truth of the Yixiang and the Yici. If a man who learns Changes could try to understand his own talent, virtue, and plight, he will get guidance. Therefore Changes is not noly teaching people to understand good or ill luck, but also to guide us forward. It give precious point of view for modern Classic of Changes.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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