


The Study of Time in Wu Qi’s Liuchao xuanshi dinglun


鄭婷尹(Cheng, Ting-yin)


吳淇 ; 《六朝選詩定論》 ; 時間 ; Wu Qi吳淇 ; Liuchao xuanshi dinglun(六朝選詩定論) ; Time




33期(2017 / 05 / 01)


139 - 175






Wu Qi's study of time firstly stresses the importance of present time. In addition to his important attempt for turning a moment into eternity, he points out that present time carries past memories, while past time has the key effect of strengthening the emotion perception at the present time. For the perception of the passing of time, he aims to demonstrate the sensation that results from suddenness. While people tend to ignore gradualness, Wu Qi specially points out that gradualness can be considered as continuing suffering. As for time passing slowly or quickly, the greatest breakthroughs in Wu Qi’s poetry criticism for previous dynasties is to transfer the surface structure (i.e., appearance similarity, word phrasing, excellent introduction, etc.) focused by previous studies to the level of affection by means of the explanation of the speed of time. Regardless of how time passes, the passing of time appears to be irregular, giving people the sense of oppression that time is hard to be controlled. Once we understand the progress of time, we could further identify the source of time perception. This is mainly due to the appearance of objects and the four seasons. The appearance of objects has the effect of embodying the abstract time. In Liuchao xuanshi dinglun, the objects that change themselves are often plants and are connected with human vision, which shows Wu Qi’s insights into common impressions. The objects that rarely change themselves are often animals and insects, and they are usually connected with the sense of hearing. Wu’s criticism is relatively simple on those rarely changed objects. As for four seasons, Wu Qi puts special emphasis on the first-hand experience that autumn arouses astonishment and sensation, which strengthens poets’ individual feelings on the basis of the tradition of autumnal melancholy. Wu Qi points out the sentimental aspects of summer and winter, i.e., summer has the effect of lighting up fall, while the passing of time in winter is worth noticing. These observations thoroughly express poets’ affections and the corresponding variations due to season changes, which also implies that even for seasons of being neglectful, the sense of tension for the passing of time still exists everywhere. Wu Qi’s study of time not only increases our comprehension of poems but also makes a great contribution to the history of poetry criticism. The value of his Liuchao xuanshi dinglun is therefore explicit.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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