


The Arrangement and Value of Hu Pu-An’s Literatures


沈心慧(Shen, Hsin-hui)


胡樸安 ; 胡樸安文集 ; 南社 ; 民國文集 ; 樸學齋叢書 ; Hu Pu-an ; Hu Pu-an's Essays ; Southern Society ; Min-Gou Literatures ; Puxuezhai




33期(2017 / 05 / 01)


275 - 304




本文主要說明胡樸安(1878 - 1947) 《胡樸安文集》文獻收集整理之因緣、過程、成果與價值。胡樸安為民國初年至四十年代活躍於上海之知名學者,在小學、經學、史學、子學各方面均有相當成就,綜觀其一生,可以說是由清末至民國初年、亦即是十九世紀末至二十世紀初的歷史縮影。其著述等身,但散文散在各處,筆者訪查、收集胡氏著述、藏書之遺蹤,已整理其詩集2000餘首,而其文集篇幅更較詩集龐大。已收集胡樸安尚未成書之散文(不含經學、小學等專著) ,計658篇,分為十三類:提要類33篇、序跋類103篇、國學類26篇、佛學類15篇、教育類36篇、政論類190篇、傳記類36篇、函牘類66篇、雜文類26篇、遊記類9篇、小說類50篇241則、銘誄類14篇、詩文評類54篇98則,進行輸入電子檔工作,期作為《胡樸安全集》整理及研究之基礎,已完成599544字。其價值不僅在保存民國初年重要學者之文獻,深化胡樸安的生平、交遊、學思歷程、政治思想、教育思想、文學思想、佛學思想、學術成就等之研究,並能提供南社及其他民國初年社會、政治、學術、文學、歷史研究之所需。


This article illustrates the origin of gathering, the arrangement, processes, results and value of Hu Pu-An's literatures. Being active in literary circles in Shanghai through the early 40 years of R.O.C. era, Hu Pu-An (1878-1947) was a prominent scholar having great achievements in Chinese characters, Confucian classics, Chinese history and Chinese classic philosophy. His life also well reflected the times between the late Qing dynasty and early R.O.C., that is, the end of 19^(th) century and early of 20th century. Hu has very abundant of writings but scattered in many places due to turbulent era. By visiting related persons and gathering, the author has collected and arranged more than 2,000 pieces of Hu's poems, while his essays are even more abundant. Currently, there are 658 pieces, in 13 categories of Hu's essays have been collected (unpublished in book, and not including fields of Chinese characters and classics). These include: 33 pieces of abstract writings, 103 pieces of preface/postscript writings, 26 pieces in Chinese classics, 15 pieces in Buddhism study, 36 pieces in education, 190 pieces of political arguments, 36 pieces of biographic writings, 66 pieces of letters, 26 pieces of miscellaneous writings, 9 pieces of travel notes, 50 pieces of novels (in 241 sections), 14 pieces of panegyric articles, 54 pieces of poetry criticisms (in 98 clauses). With the progress of 599,544 characters have been filed, the project of digitalization is now going on. The project preserves literatures of an important scholar in early R.O.C. era, and in-depth describes Hu Pu-An's life, academic track, social relations, friendship with other scholars, thinking in politics, education, literatures and Buddhism, and his research achievement. Moreover, the results will also provide practical information for studies of Southern Society, literatures, history, academy, politics and society of early R.O.C. era.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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