


The Collection and New Purport Exploration of Chen-Yue's "Chun Chiu Che Chong Lun" in Tang Dynasty


姜龍翔(Chiang, Lung-hsiang);蔡根祥(Tsai, Ken-hsiang)


新春秋學 ; 古籍輯佚 ; 唐代春秋學 ; 微言大義 ; 春秋三傳 ; New School of Studies on the Spring and Autumn Annals ; Collection and compilation of lost texts ; The studies of Annals of spring and Autumn in the Tang ; Sublime Words with Profound Meanings ; Three Commentaries of Spring and Autumn Annals




36期(2018 / 11 / 01)


25 - 66






There are two purports in this paper, one is to provide the supplement to the accomplishments done so far in academia regarding the collection of Chen-Yue's "Chun Chiu Che Chong Lun" and the other is to interpret Chen- Yue's main academic purport through a more complete content. First we indicated an enormous amount of articles recorded in "Chun Chiu Huei Yi" of Du-Ur in earlier Song Dynasty, followed by collecting related information according to the edition of Soon Shih San Yuan Ke in Tsing Dynasty and at last came out a more complete version of Che Chong Lun by referencing other literatures. This paper analyzed the insight of Chen- Yue's thinking via this information and suggests that he has the tendency of accepting "Zhuo Zuang", specially from the part that he valued high on Du-Yu's interpretation while looked down "Kong Yang" and "Ku Liang", which is different from traditional perspectives. In addition, we summarized Chen-Yue's analytic points, including the purport of "Chun Chiu", which conveyed the main idea of urging for goodness and punishing the evilness. It emphasizes on the idea of moderate politics and the concept of legitimism. Through the research results of this paper, we offered a different perspective on the long perceived thinking that new Chun Chiu school emphasized "Kong Yang" and "Ku Liang" but looked down to "Zhuo Zuang", as well as a chance for a deeper understanding of related studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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