


Virtue vs. knowledge - New interpretations of Dai Zhen's philosophy based on Virtue epistemology




戴震 ; 德性知識論 ; 恩斯特.索薩 ; 琳達.札格澤博斯基 ; Dai Zhen ; Virtue epistemology ; Ernest Sosa ; Linda Zagzebski




39期(2020 / 05 / 01)


113 - 142






The scope of Dai Zhen's philosophy includes not only discussions of desire and knowledge, but also topics among virtue, humanity and epistemology. Desire is a key foundation of his arguments of humanity. But Dai Zhen also emphasized the importance of knowledge. He further proposed that the essence of virtue is based on knowledge. What is the essence of knowledge, and what are the values of virtue? An emergent trend of contemporary Virtue epistemology interprets knowledge based on "intellectual virtues" and "moral virtues". Debates of virtue theories are important parts of modern western philosophy. They also broaden the extent of western philosophy. Therefore, this project is aimed on investigations of Dai Zhen's philosophy based on Virtue epistemology. The author begins with how desire and knowledge become foundations of virtue, followed by the discussions that if "virtue" and "knowledge" in Dai Zhen's theory are similar to the arguments of "intellectual virtues" and "moral virtues" in Virtue epistemology. And then the author will turn the focus on the general comparisons among Dai Zhen's philosophy, "virtue reliabilism" of Ernest Sosa and "virtue responsibilism" of Linda Zagzebski.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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