Mou Zungsan 牟宗三believes that Ruan Ji is not only to the literary romantic soul to meet zhuangzi thought, but also by "Zhuangzi" to decorate its romantic wild behavior, so it is Ruan Ji's Zhuangzi thought as "the literary romantic Zhuangzi." However, the later interpreters such as Dai lian zhang believe that Ruan Ji's absorption of Zhuangzi, in the understanding of the core concept (such as "Ziren"), although it can be apt grasp, but because Ruan Ji's practical work is more brief, so there is no mysterious view, And still belongs to the literary romance to meet the level of Zhuangzi thought. In this regard, this paper holds that Ruan Ji's zhuang zi thought, in the "xiao yao"逍遙point of view, is a fairy faith-style immortal, free-spirited xiao yao, and Zhuangzi transcendental spirit is obviously different. As for the " i qihun lun " 一氣渾淪statement, it is a transformation of horizons at a flat level. It is intended to break the relatively separate i qihun lun of death and life, small and large by the viewpoint that all things belong to the same change. The work of " jing shou" 靜守is actually true, so the three-dimensional transcendental I qihun lun overlooking the world is obviously different. As far as Gongfu theory is concerned, some of the written narratives by Ruan Ji that seem similar to Zhuangzi's practical work can be said to be spiritual, but it should be noted that, on the one hand, its mysterious transcendence is not obvious; On the other hand, some contents (such as "qingsi" in "qingsifu") belong to the imagination, which is completely different from concepts such as the mysterious experience of transcendence. As for saying that Ruan Ji is a romantic and liberal literati, it is likely that he will also ignore Ruan Ji's face of a mad society. He went to Confucianism, Taoism, Hermits, and Immortals to seek the spiritual confusion and struggle for spiritual settlement course.
史泰司, W.T.,楊儒賓(譯)(1998).冥契主義與哲學.臺北:正中書局.