


Analysis on When Master Dharma Came to China-A Re-discussion on "Theory of Arrival at China during Liu Song Dynasty" by Mr. Hu Shih


羅鈴沛(Law Ling-Pei)


禪宗史 ; 僧傳 ; 菩提達摩 ; 來華 ; 胡適 ; Zen history ; Biographies of monks ; Bodhi Dharma ; Arrival at China ; Hu Shih




41期(2021 / 05 / 01)


1 - 23




達摩大師(Master Dharma)被認為是中國禪宗初祖,因此,凡是要進入禪宗思想之門的人,首先都必須認識這一位把印度大乘禪學傳入中國的大師。但是,在近代學術研究的檢驗之下,經過學者們的努力,也只能肯定歷史上確有菩提達摩其人而已,至於其他傳說都不甚可靠。光是有關達摩來華的時間討論,學界就有不同意見,本文討論了主要的四種說法:一、梁普通七年(526A.D.)來華說,二、梁普通八年(527A.D.)來華說,三、梁普通元年(520A.D.)來華說,四、劉宋(479A.D.)以前來華說。針對這四種說法,我整理了學界的不同意見,認為普通七年和八年來華說所根據的資料,只能作為達摩來華時間的下限,並不能確定他就是普通七年或八年來華。普通元年來華說的證據都屬於比較後期的資料,早期的史籍並沒有記載,因此,可信度不足。最為可靠的是胡適先生提出來的劉宋以前來華說,他所根據的資料是《續高僧傳.菩提達摩傳》「初達宋境南越」一語,以及僧副師事達摩的記載。但是,僧副師事達摩的記載遭到學界質疑,認為僧副師事的達摩不是菩提達摩(Bodhi Dharma),而是達摩提婆(Dharma Deva),讓胡適的論證只剩下「初達宋境南越」一條孤證。我根據早期史料《續高僧傳》 論證了僧副的禪學老師確實是菩提達摩,而不是達摩提婆,讓達摩大師「劉宋以前來華說」得到了更有力的證明。


Master Dharma was considered the vanguard of Zen in China. All who wish to enter the sanctum of Zen must know the master who brought the Zen from India. However, through the examination of modern studies as well as the efforts of scholars, all we can affirm is that he's a true figure in history; some other legends about him are hardly reliable. The time point of his arrival in China alone is divided into four opinions: I. Theory of Arrival in the 7^(th) Year of Putong during Liang Dynasty (526 A.D.); 2. Theory of Arrival in the 8^(th) Year of Putong during Liang Dynasty (527 A.D.);3. Theory of Arrival in the 1^(st)Year of Putong during Liang Dynasty (520 A.D.); 4. Theory of Arrival before Liu Song Dynasty (479 A.D.) The researcher has organized the academic opinions regarding the four theories. The theory of arrival in the 7^(th) or 8^(th) Year of Putong during Liang Dynasty could only be seen as the lower limit; whether he came to China in this exact point couldn't be confirmed. The data of theory of arrival in the 1^(st) Year of Putong during Liang Dynasty were found in later periods, and no earlier records are discovered, which makes it unreliable. The most reliable source is the theory of arrival before Liu Song Dynasty proposed by Mr. Hu Shih, who based his theory on the words of "firstly arrived at Vietnam within the realm of Song" in Second Chronicles of Master Monks - Bodhi Dharma, as well as the records of apprentice of the master. However, such records is debatable by other scholars, who considered the "Dharma" in this chronicle was Dharma Deva instead of Bodhi Dharma, and so his argument could only focus on the words of "firstly arrived at Vietnam within the realm of Song" alone. Based on the data of Second Chronicles of Master Monks, the researcher has demonstrated that the Zen master in the records was indeed Bodhi Dharma, bringing a more solid evidence for the theory of his arrival before Liu Song Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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