


Examination & Correction of Five Phrases on Yáng Bó-jùn's "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zhu"-Based on the Period of Lǔ Wén Gōng to Lǔ Xuān Gōng in Zuo Zhuan


黃聖松(Huang Sheng-Sung)


《左傳》 ; 楊伯峻 ; 《春秋左傳注》 ; 考訂 ; Zuo Zhuan ; Yáng Bó-jùn's (1909-1992) ; "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zhu" ; examination & correction




41期(2021 / 05 / 01)


125 - 147






This article discusses five phrases on Yáng Bó-jùn's "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zhu" which based on the period of Lǔ Wén Gōng to Lǔ Xuān Gōng in Zuo Zhuan. 1. The word "hū" has the meaning of end in the sentence of "Gāo Táo and Tíng Jiān bù sì hū zhū", and the word "zhū" is synonymous with the pronunciation arising from combination of "zhī" and "hū" sounds in Zuo Zhuan. It is an exclamation usage when the word "zhū" is at the end of a sentence. The phrase "hū zhū" means that something comes to a termination. Therefore, the sentence "Gāo Táo and Tíng Jiān bù sì hū zhū" could be interpreted as no more offer sacrifices to Gāo Táo and Tíng Jiān thus the ceremony of offering sacrifices also came to a termination then. 2. There are three kinds of "jiǎn cè" in Zhuan. They are "guó shǐ zhèng cè", "zhú jiǎn" and "cè shū" (which were the order to the appointment and removal of vassals and high rank officials). However, none of them was appropriate to the context and dialogue for the sentence "Rào cháo zèng zhī yǐ cè". For this reason, the word "cè" should be "mǎ zhuā" (horsewhip) in the sentence "Rào cháo zèng zhī yǐ cè". 3. There are two meanings of the word "quán" in the phrase "quán bù zú yě" in Zuo Zhuan. They are "power & influence" and "strategy". At that time, Gōng-zǐ Guī-shēng was the marshal of Zhèng State and he did have the power & influence to fight Gōng-zǐ Sòng, but his strategy was not good enough so that he was accused for regicide. Therefore, the word "quán" in the phrase "quán bù zú yě" should be interpreted as strategy which is much better. 4. The words "píng" and "jūn" were synonymous in the pre-Qin classics. The word "píng" means to average in Zuo Zhuan Huì Jiān, so the phrase "píng bǎn gàn" means to average "bǎn gàn" to all places needed by the project for the structure. Moreover, the number of "bǎn gàn" and the estimation must be matched. That is the meaning of the phrase "liàng gong" in the sentence "Liàng gong mìng rì". 5. In Zuo Zhuan Huì Jiān, the word "yāo" in the sentence "Yāo qiě bù zhěng" has the similar meaning to the "Lín guà" in Zhou Yì. The bottom "gua" of "Lín guà" is "duì". It is the symbol of virgins, to damage and to break. In Zhuan, the word "yāo" means teenagers die at early age. Moreover, the phrase "bù zhěng" is related to battles and troops. Thus, the phrase "bù zhěng" in the sentence "Yāo qiě bù zhěng" also means Xiān hú's unit was not in the troops of Jin State.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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