


Examining the Tang Dynasty's Leishu Cited in "Shan Hai Jing Qian Shu"


鹿憶鹿(Lu Yi-Lu)


郝懿行 ; 《山海經箋疏》 ; 《北堂書鈔》 ; 《藝文類聚》 ; 《初學記》 ; 《山海經圖讚》 ; Hao Yi-Xing ; "Shan Hai Jing Qian Shu" ; "Bei Tang Shu Chao" ; "Yi Wen Lei Ju" ; "Chu Xue Ji" ; "Shan Hai Jing Tu Zan"




41期(2021 / 05 / 01)


67 - 101






Most studies on Hao Yi-Xing emphasized Jing Xue (Chinese Classics) and Kaozheng (search for evidence) and rarely discussed the academic value of "Shan Hai Jing Qian Shu". Hao Yi-Xing's "Shan Hai Jing Qian Shu" was later than the works on "Shan Hai Jing" of some renowned scholars such as Wu Renchen and Bi Yuan in the Qing dynasty. However, Hao, based on the profound basis accumulated from the earlier authors, had achieved impressively. This article focused on the Tang dynasty's Leishu cited in Hao Yi-Xing's "Shan Hai Jing Qian Shu", including "Bei Tang Shu Chao", "Yi Wen Lei Ju", and "Chu Xue Ji". The paragraphs cited in these Leishu are somewhat different from the edition of "Shan Hai Jing" on which "Qian Shu" was based. Hao did not alter the contents, but instead explained in the form of comments to evaluate the strength and weakness between the citation of the Leishu and the current edition of "Shan Hai Jing". The least frequently cited Leishu in "Qian Shu" is "Bei Tang Shu Chao" and the paragraphs are mostly from Volume 18 "Hai Nei Jing". "Qian Shu" cited "Yi Wen Lei Ju" for more than a hundred times and focused mostly on "Xi Shan Jing" and "Zhong Shan Jing". The most frequently cited Leishu in "Qian Shu" is "Chu Xue Ji", including over 140 paragraphs, which mostly came from "Xi Shan Jing" and "Zhong Shan Jing". "Bei Tang Shu Chao" did not cite Guo Pu's "Shan Hai Jing Tu Zan", whereas "Yi Wen Lei Ju", and "Chu Xue Ji" cited "Tu Zan" more than ten times, including "Tu Zan" of "Huang Ji" that had been lost after the Ming dynasty. Based on the collection of "Tu Zan" in the Leishu, Hao was able to proofread and supplement the incomplete Daozang version of "Tu Zan" from the Ming dynasty. By means of the Tang dynasty's Leishu, Hao corrected many deficiencies of "Shan Hai Jing" editions since You Mao, and re-created the different "Shan Hai Jing" edition before the Song dynasty. This older edition is superior to the existing You Mao Chi-Yang-Jun-Zhai block-printed edition. From the "Lei Shu" cited in "Qian Shu", it becomes possible to systematically compare Guo Pu's remarks such as "said different", "put differently" or "wrote different" and prove mutually with other literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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