


A Discussion on "Yue Yu Wu Zhong, Chen Bao" of "Guming" Shangshu


郭思韵(Koay, Su-In)


尚書 ; 顧命 ; 越玉五重 ; 陳寶 ; 註釋 ; ShangShu ; GuMing ; Yue Yu Wu Zhong ; Chen Bao ; notes and interpretations




42期(2021 / 11 / 01)


1 - 19






It is common for us to see different notes and interpretations on classic ancient texts, but it is rare to see a case like "Yue Yu Wu Chong/Zhong, Chen Bao" which has aroused considerable controversy. This papers conducts study on the ascertained historic documents and corpus and carries out a comprehensive analysis and cross-evaluation in terms of ritual, historical anecdote, concept, art of composition, semantics, and style or writing. It is believed that influential notes proposed later, such as " 'Chen Bao' is the name of jade", "it is the tribute of jade offered by the land of Yue", and "a pair of jade is called Chong", are supported by flawed evidence, and are not as self-consistent as the traditional mainstream notes. In summary, the term "Chen Bao" refers to what Pseudo-Kong Anguo (falsely attributed to Kong Anguo) calls "the treasures displayed by deceased emperors in former times". "Yue" is not about a region, while the prepositions and words and phrases of the rest of the annotation have no bearing on the connotation of the five Zhongs of jade in the subsequent part of the text. "Chong/Zhong" should be pronounced as "Zhong" (same with the pronunciation when it means heavy) as was mainly believed in the Ming and Qing dynasties, meaning "Zhen (to stablize)", while the "Yu Wu Zhong" is the "Yu Zhen" at display during extravagant funerals based on the Rites of Zhou, i.e., the five treasures at display in the east and west chambers as is put forward by Pseudo-Kong Anguo, namely Hongbi, Wan Yan, Dayu, Yiyu and Tianqiu. The much-questioned "Wan and Yan as one Zhong" is a certain symbol of the achievement of integration of the two in the sense of ritual.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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