


The Usage of Consecutive Adverb "Nǎi"(乃)and the Later Development


林怡岑(Lin Yi-Chen)


「乃」 ; 承接 ; 轉折 ; 情態 ; 判斷 ; "nǎi"(乃) ; consecutive connection ; adversative connection ; modality ; judgment




42期(2021 / 11 / 01)


221 - 255






In Old Chinese, the consecutive adverb "nǎi"(乃)can be used in compound complex sentences, causal complex sentences, and conditional complex sentences to express the broad relationship of events in the second clauses. Base on the context, it can be translated to "jiù"(就), "cái"(才), or "yòu"(又)in Mandarin. Besides, "nǎi" (乃)had been developing from consecutive adverb to adversative adverb since consecutive adverb "nǎi"(乃)that expresses the broad relationship of events, can be used in the context of the former and the latter events probably violate the expectation of the speaker. Furthermore, the development was formed by the absorption of context. The development of "nǎi"(乃)from adversative adverb to modal adverb was affected by the subjectification. After it broke away from the context of complex sentences, on the one hand, the adversative adverb transformed into the modal adverb, which expresses "unexpectedly" in narrative sentences. On the other hand, the adversative adverb "nǎi"(乃)became modal adverb, which expresses "turned out to be" or "indeed" in determinative sentences.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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