In the Ming Dynasty, Fang Xian Fu authored the book on Yijing, Guwen zhouyich-uanyiyueshuo. He reflected on the shortcomings of the present doctri ne and thought that the problem lay in the obscurity of learning. so he adopt ed Daxue and Zhongyong to mark the learning of sages, corrected the over-e mphasis on the essence of conscience and conscience in Yangmingism, and ad vocated for the erudition of the text and the grimoire; he also corrected the problem of Cheng-Zhu school's detachment, and proposed the importance of int erpretation the scriptures by the method of erudition. In order to save the sho rtcomings of studying, he emphasizes the importance of studying the sages' sc riptures, but is dissatisfied with the shortcomings of Cheng-Zhu school's detac hment in Chengchuan、Benyi, so he takes Shao Yong's Yijing learning as a c ompromise, and uses the images to clarify the reasoning, and completes this b iography-style treatise in a concise text for future generations to study Yijing. If we understand the purpose of Fang's work, we can establish a correspondin g understanding through a dialogue with him with the intention against the wi ll, which may lead to a more in-depth discussion and reflection, and also reveal the characteristics and value of the book.