


Colonisation, Confucianism, and Modern Taiwanese Periodicals: Focussing on the Novels in KongJiaoBao


許俊雅(Hsu, Chun Ya)


殖民 ; 儒教 ; 《孔教報》 ; 小說 ; 改寫 ; 大眾通俗化 ; 施梅樵 ; colonisation ; Confucianism ; KongJiaoBao ; novels ; rewriting ; vernacularisation ; Shi Meiqiao




44期(2022 / 11 / 01)


139 - 179






This article analyses five aspects of the novels in KongJiaoBao. In the first place, when modern newspapers and magazines were brought to Taiwan via Japanese colonisation, traditional Taiwanese literati of various generations, faced with the continuous intervention of Japanese Confucianist acculturation and the mission of cultivating civic virtues among the masses, adopted different strategies to cope with this situation. It is against this background that KongJiaoBao was established by Shi Mei-Qiao under the banner of "conserving traditional culture" a year before the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. Next, I will describe the first issue of KongJiaoBao as well as the contents of the literary works published therein. Thirdly, the themes portrayed by the novels are classified into various headings, such as the importance of chastity, fraud and scam, realisation of karma, dreams, miracles, and love stories, and finally the reflection of social reality. In order not to appear too moralising, the topics also covered anecdotes and other funny things. The fourth aspect concerns KongJiaoBao's attempt at vernacularisation, where many cases of rewriting and reprinting showed vulgarisations of various difficult passages. Sometimes the modifications were made for the sake of word limit, or of avoiding narrations which are too near the bone. Finally, the origins of the novels in KongJiaoBao were analysed, among which XiLiuZhiTan and YeTanSuiLu are the most worthy of discussion. Judging from these materials, it is clear that a Confucianist literary worldview was ubiquitously expressed. This is no wonder as its main intention was to educate the society and improve its moral standards. It served the function of maintaining the development of Chinese literature, and on the other hand played the role of stabilising social order during the War. This reveals Shi Mei-Qiao's tremendous moralist efforts that were made in editing KongJiaoBao.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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