


Between speed and reality: The Communication Mediums' Narrative Identity of the Lyrics of New Formosa Band


劉建志(Liu, Chien Chih)


新寶島康樂隊 ; 流行歌曲 ; 類比 ; 數位 ; 溝通媒介 ; New Formosa Band ; pop songs ; analogy ; digital ; communication mediums




44期(2022 / 11 / 01)


243 - 278






This article takes the lyrics of New Formosa Band as the analysis object, and explores the opinions and preferences of different "communication mediums" in the songs of New Formosa Band, and reflects their structure of feeling when they are in different times. This article summed up the "narrative identity" of New Formosa Band's nostalgia for analogy and reflection on digital media. In the context of the great era, this article draws out three axes: from analogy to the digital age, the analogy in the digital age is warmed up, and it returns to the third place and down shifting. The process of media change is reflected in the songs of New Formosa Band, showing a narrative identity from "virtual" to "real" and from "fast" to "slow". If the song works of New Formosa Band are regarded as a kind of "cultural text", they have many narrations and attitudes towards communication medium in their nearly 30 years of song creation, from which they can explore a way to choose a medium created by songs. Whether the authors intentionally or not, these songs reflect the differences in the structure of feeling of their different communication mediums in different eras.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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