


Constructions of Twists and Turns with Historic Records and Fictions - Discussion on the "Nine Expeditions against the Central Plains" in the Three Kingdoms


王潤農(Wang, Juen-Nung)


《三國演義》 ; 姜維 ; 九伐中原 ; 羅貫中 ; 毛宗崗 ; Three Kingdoms ; Jiang Wei ; Nine Expeditions against the Central Plains ; Luo Guanzhong ; Mao Tsunggang




45期(2023 / 05 / 01)


55 - 86






The "Nine Expeditions against the Central Plains" in the Three Kingdoms must continue the glorious momentum of Zhuge Liang's "Six Northern Expeditions", thus is a great challenge to the writer. However, in the historic records, Jiang Wei was defeated more than he won the battle in the northern expeditions. San Guo Zhi and Tong Jian recorded more criticizing remarks than praises on his losses; it is obvious that the writer faced great dilemma and challenges in the construction of the part of "Nine Expeditions against the Central Plains". In fact, Jiang Wei went on 11 northern expeditions, but Luo Guanzhong omitted the first three battles, and started the story on the northern expeditions with the surrender of Xiahou Ba in year 249. Luo also arranged the plot of Jiang Wei defeating Sima Shi. The minor win of "Victory in Didao", which took place before the "Third Northern Expedition", was deleted by Luo in order to stress the "grand defeat" in the "Great Victory of Taoxi". Given the defeat in the "Fourth Northern Expedition", Luo knew that the "Fifth Northern Expedition" was the dividing line in the series battles. Hence, he blamed the responsibility of withdrawing troops on Zhuge Dan, so that Jiang Wei would not lose his momentum. Later, Luo fabricated the "Six Northern Expedition", and used the "Seventh Northern Expedition" to ease the regrets in ending the battles. He also used "Withdrawing to Tazhong" in the historic records as the "Eighth Northern Expedition", and portrayed the disadvantages of Shu troops as "glorious defeat", which described Jiang Wei forcing the retreat of Deng Ai but did not win the battle because of slandering. Although the main structure of "Nine Expeditions against the Central Plains" was completed by Luo, the plot was yet to be judged by Mao Zonggang's critique. Since Luo only mentioned "eight expeditions", Mao critiqued that "how could it be called nine expeditions when the man garrisoned fields to take Wei". Mao also followed the Shu-Han legitimism in Zhu Xi's Tong Jian Gang Mu, and changed "fan" (invasion) to "fa" (expedition), so as to complete the artistic structure of "Nine Expeditions against the Central Plains".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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