
Why Iran Comparatively Enjoys Political Stability amid the Middle East Upheaval




Han-Jing Yue


Iran ; Middle East upheaval ; political stability


Tamkang Journal of International Affairs


19卷4期(2016 / 04 / 01)


75 - 109




Reasons for Iran's political stability amid the Middle East upheaval are multiple, main ones being as follows: Iranian exceptionalism, the Syrian turmoil, sanctions against Iran over its nuclear activities, and Iran's unique political system. The Iranian exceptionalism makes it hard for Iran to follow other country's political development and the upheaval in the region only reinforced Iranians' sense of being exceptional. As the Syrian turmoil escalated into an intense civil war and gave rise to a growing regional sectarian conflict primarily between the Sunni and Shia Muslims, Iran has been increasingly involved in it and the religious identity of the masses in Iran has been reinforced, which increases Iran's internal cohesion and attenuates, to some degree, the political discords between various groups of Iran, and consequently facilitate political stability of the country. Rigid sanctions against Iran have helped the Iranian government obtain acquiescence in its right to rule, because they have brought about the effect of "rally round the flag". Iran's political system is generally in agreement with it's political culture and diverts the people's attention from the defects of the political system to the president they have chosen or will choose.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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