


Children's Perception of Scientific Terminology




張筱莉(Sheau-Li Chang);林陳涌(Chen-Yung Lin)


科學專有名詞 ; 兒童科學 ; 單純詞 ; 複合詞 ; Technical Terms ; Children's Science ; Compound Words ; Simple Words




9卷3期(2001 / 09 / 01)


219 - 234




本研究目的為探索學生眼中的科學專有名詞,以台北市258 名國一學生為樣本,利用「科學專有名詞定義測驗」得知學生在學習前後對科學專有名詞的認識,並從中選取24名學生進行個別晤談,以進一步了解學生的想法。研究結果顯示,在學習前學生解釋科學專有名詞時,習慣將專有名詞視為個別的文字,再拚湊為語詞的整體意義。而學生用以解釋專有名詞的依據則包含了:橫貫事理推理、借用讀音相同文字的意義等。文字的常用語意明顯地影響學生對科學專有名詞的認識,於學習後學生對於複合詞的描述仍多停留在於學習前的相同敘述,可能是學生於學習前便由文字的字面意義得知部分專有名詞的意義,所以即使在學習後學生仍慣以此方式加以描述,未能有更進一步功能型之敘述。至於單純詞方面,多數的學生是將描寫方式轉向該專有名詞具功能性意義的部分,即是在學習後獲得較大改變。最後提出四點建議作為本文的結束。


This paper presents an investigation of how children perceive scientific terminology. The Scientific Terminology Definition Test was administered to 258 Grade 7 students in Taipei. Twenty-four of the students were selected for follow-up interviews. The research found that students, before learning, usually comprehended biological terms by use of transductive reasoning and homophone. The idiomatic usage of words often affected children's understanding of scientific terms. After learning, most students described the compound words almost the same as before learning, with limited further understanding. However, for simple words, most students turned the meaning into functional conception, indicating that they acquired more after learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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