


Does It Work? A Study on the Earth-System Integrated Instructional Module




張俊彥(Chun-Yen Chang);賴麗琴(Li-Chin Lai)


中等教育 ; 統整課程 ; 地球系統教育 ; 教學方法 ; Secondary education ; Integrated curriculum ; Earth system education ; Instructional method




9卷4期(2001 / 12 / 01)


323 - 350




本研究目的在研發以「地球系統」概念為統整主軸之「地球資源」主題的教學模組(Earth System-Earth Resources Instructional Module, ESERIM),並透過實驗教學研究評估此教學模組對高二學生之影響。研究工具包括「ESER 常識問卷」、「環境態度量表」與「ESER 課程回饋表」。研究設計採用實驗研究法之單一組前後測設計,並以某國立男女合校之高中二年級學生(n=119)為研究對象。研究結果顯示:(1)ESERIM有助於增進學生在地球資源方面的相關知識;(2)學生在認知方面的表現,似乎因性別、家長教育程度和最喜歡的學科而有不同;(3)實驗教學後,學生之環境態度有降低的趨勢,且可能因性別而有不同;(4)學生之環境態度與其課程回饋之間呈中度正相關;(5)學生主動的正向回饋,如「透過公聽會,我學習到以不同的角度去看待環境污染的問題」、「體認經濟發展與環境保護之兩難」等,呼應了ESERIM之設計理念與期望;(6)少數學生認為加油站訪查題目重複等因素可能會造成其學習上的困擾。


The purpose of this study was to develop an Earth System-Earth Resources integrated Instructional Module (ESERIM) and examine the effects of the ESERIM on 11th graders' science learning. Instruments included the Earth System-Earth Resources Test (ESERT), Attitudes Toward Environment Inventory (ATEI), and the Earth System-Earth Resources Questionnaire (ESERQ) including two subscales: Perceptions toward Instructional Module (PIM) and Perceptions toward Environment (PE). A one group pretest-posttest experimental design was used. Participants included 119 11th grade students enrolled in an optional earth-science course at a national senior high school located in the eastern region of Taiwan. The results revealed that (1) the ESERIM significantly improved student achievement on the ESERT; (2) the achievement on the ESERT tended to be influenced by students' gender, SES, and their favorite subjects; (3) there was a decreased in the attitudes of students after instruction, as measured by the ATEI, with the scores possibly affected by students' gender; (4) there were significantly moderate correlations between students' attitudes toward environment and their perceptions toward the ESERIM; (5) positive responses of students, such as ”I learned how to approach the issues of environmental pollution from different perspectives” and ”I was aware of the dilemma between economic development and environmental preservation”, were strongly aligned with the design and objectives of the ESERIM; and (6) a few students' attitudes toward the ESERIM demonstrated a degree of frustration, such as partially repetition of the ”Interviewing Gas Station” activity. These findings suggest that implementing the Earth System theme has the potential to serve as a model for future development of integrated curriculum and instruction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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