


The History of Science and Technology for Children: The History of Science and Technology in Children's Books Circulated in Taiwan




傅麗玉(Li-Yu Fu)


小學科學教育 ; 兒童讀物 ; 科技史 ; Elementary Science Education ; Children's Literature ; History of Science and Technology




9卷4期(2001 / 12 / 01)


417 - 434






The integration of the history of science and technology is playing a significant role in science education reform from secondary level through elementary level. However, currently, there is almost no historical material included in elementary level science textbooks in Taiwan. Interestingly, children in Taiwan have more chances to experience materials on the history of science and technology in children books than in textbooks. Children's books become not only children's entry into science, but also the main resources for children to learn the history of science and technology. This study sampled sixty-seven children books that have materials relating to the history of science and technology and are currently circulated in Taiwan. The study investigated how the books present the historical materials from different aspects including the format of content, scientific process, the childhood of scientists, scientists' personalities and work attitudes, social and cultural influences on science, scientists' motivation, gender awareness, and Chinese history of science and technology. The study is expected to draw more attention to the research on how historical materials inherent in children's books exert influences on children's understanding of the nature of science as well as science learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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