


The Effects of the Web-based Learning Environment with Cognitive Strategies and Tools on Students' Learning




邱富宏(Fu-Hung Chiu);陳錦章(Chin-Chang Chen)


認知策略 ; 認知工具 ; 鷹架理論 ; 前導組體 ; 網路學習環境 ; Cognitive Strategies ; Cognitive Tools ; Scaffolding Theory ; Advance Organizer ; Web-Based Learning Environment




10卷3期(2002 / 09 / 01)


261 - 285




本研究旨在探討融入認知策略與工具的網路學習環境對學生學習程式語言的影響。研究者建構一個能夠符合網際網路個別化與互動性學習之特性,並且融入認知策略與工具的網路學習環境(WLEC),以研究者所擔任的一門程式設計課程Active Server Page (ASP)作為測試教材,以參加89學年度寒修ASP課程並且願意配合研究的6位五專三年級學生為樣本,實際測試所開發出來的學習環境。資料的收集以質的方法為主,輔以一些量化的資料,探討WLEC對學生學習的影響。WLEC設計理念是基於認知彈性理論、鷹架理論、前導組體等。WLEC應用網路超本文功能,藉由節點與節點間的連結所形成的語意網路,建構出二種學習路徑供學習者學習:專家引導路徑和個人學習路徑。WLEC包含具有管理功能的溝通工具及可記錄學生學習過程的記錄系統,並能提供每一位學習者個別化的學習網頁。本研究結果發現:在使用WLEC學習後,學生的測驗分數獲得顯著進步;且晤談資料及各種學習歷程電腦記錄都顯示,WLEC對學生學習ASP確實有正面的影響。


The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the web-based learning environment with cognitive strategies and tools (WLEC) on students' learning of a programming language (ASP). The samples are six students from a junior college. The data pool was mainly collected by qualitative approaches, and some quantitative data were used as supplements. Based on Cognitive Flexibility Theory, Scaffolding Theory, and Advance Organizer Theory, WLEC builds semantic networks by connecting nodes and constructs two different learning paths: expert-guided learning path and individualized learning path. Students can go through the environment either under an expert's guidance or by making their own decisions. The results showed that students' performances improve significantly, and students acknowledge that WLEC indeed can better their learning of programming languages.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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