


Group Interactions and Knowledge Constructions in the Teaching of an Integrated Instructional Module




柯靜宜(Ching-Yi Ko);張文華(Wen-Hua Chang);郭重吉(Chorng-Jee Guo)


小組互動 ; 統整教學模組 ; Group Interaction ; Integrated Instructional Module




12卷1期(2004 / 03 / 01)


1 - 26




本研究旨在探討國中學生在統整教學模組的實施下,小組學生的學習情況。本研究採質性研究法進行資料收集及分析,研究中針對一個國一班級進行教室觀察,聚焦於一組具代表性的小組來收集錄影、錄音、晤談及文件等資料,並運用Secondary Teaching Analysis Matrix-S及採對話分析的方法來進行課室互動分析。研究發現包括:本研究中個案小組的互動面貌,是屬於Johnson 和Johnson所提出的「團體中心模式」,也就是小組成員會互相溝通,並合作完成任務;在本研究的教學模組下,學生可透過小組互動達成個人及小組的知識建構;小組學生互動及其知識建構會受到對話過程的社會脈絡所影響,主要直接影響如任務的本質影響了學生的參與程度、教師進行各種活動的方式影響了學生個人及小組知識建構、教師營造的學習情境及提供資源的方式能協助學生經由同儕互動學習到預定的知識與技能。


The purpose of this study is to explore the learning conditions of a group of seventh graders during the teaching of a teacher-developed integrated module. Interpretations of the learning conditions in this and the process of social interactions of a group. A junior high school class was observed, and a typical student group was selected to analyze their group interactions. Data including audiotapes, videotapes, interviews, and documents were first analyzed by using Secondary Teaching Analysis Matrix-S to identify some overarching patterns in the whole teaching process and discourse analysis was then followed to explore the relationships between events, interactions, and learning results within the focus group. It is found that the mode of group interaction was the 'group-centered pattern' suggested by Johnson and Johnson. That is, the members of the group accomplish tasks through communication and cooperation. Under the teacher's facilitation, students construct knowledge through group interactions, and knowledge constructions were done both by individuals and the group. In addition, the group interactions and knowledge constructions were influenced by social conditions of the process of dialogues. Based on the results generated, suggestions for teachers while developing and teaching integrated modules are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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