


Diagnostic Instrument and Coding Method of Taiwanese Grade 4-12 Pupils' Alternative Conceptions in Learning the Particle Theory of Matter




林財庫(Tsai-Ku Lin)


物質微粒模式 ; 迷思概念 ; 認知模式 ; 模式識別 ; 機械典範 ; Alternative Conceptions ; Pattern Recognition ; Cognitive Model ; Particle Model of Matter ; Atomism




12卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


183 - 218






A two step diagnostic instrument, which includes a two-tier paper pencil test and post-test interviews, have been developed to explore Taiwanese Grades 4-12 students' alternative conceptions in learning the particle theory of matter. This instrument includes 15 concepts (table 2), 33 items (Appendix one), and has been divided into four factors (groups). Each item of the written test consists of a content question having four choices, followed by a space for the pupil to complete the reason why the particular choice was selected. The instrument was administered to 2467 pupils from grades 4-12 in the city of Kaohsiung. After the written test, 128 students of the participants, across the ability range in math and physics with the ratio 1:2:1, were interviewed individually and in depth two months later. Four pairs and 16 sets of combinations (2^4=16) of characteristic categories of particle theory of matter (Table 1) have been used to code, classify and sequence the quantitative data collected from the written test and post test interviews. The methodological meaning of this new coding method has been discussed. Evidence in support of the validity of the instrument constructs was obtained through a validation study, which indicates that this instrument has a satisfactory content, factor, construct and criteria-related validity for the purpose of this study. The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient (α=0.80 in average) and test-retest reliability coefficient (r=0.75 in average) suggested that this instrument has acceptable internal consistency.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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