


A Study of Conceptual Formation and Development for Dissolving in Elementary and Secondary School




許良榮(Liang-Rong Hsu);劉政華(Cheng-Hua Liu)


迷思概念 ; 溶解 ; 概念形成 ; 概念發展 ; Conceptual Development ; Conceptual Formulation ; Dissolving ; Misconception




12卷3期(2004 / 09 / 01)


265 - 287




本研究之研究目的為探討學生的「溶解」概念之形成與發展,研究對象包括小六、國二以及高二學生。研究方法包括POE (Predict-Observe-Explain)(小六至高二各三班學生)以及事例晤談(interview about instance)(小六至高二各十位學生,共30位),並交互比對先前研究(許良榮、彭煜堯,2002)的研究資料。研究結果發現,對於日常生活較不熟悉的甘油,學生傾向以「油」判斷物質是否溶於水,而且年級越高「學校經驗」之影響趨向越明顯。而日常生活較常接觸之太白粉,學生傾向以「生活經驗」進行判斷,「學校經驗」則退居其次。在迷思概念形成方面,學生有過度推論「油、密度與溶解的關係」以及「所有的酸溶於水」的傾向。在概念發展方面,本研究參考Piaget & Garcia (1989)科學理論之發展機制的模型,歸納學生之溶解概念發展的特徵爲:低年級的學生傾向於以「外觀特徵」判斷物質的溶解性,隨著學校經驗與生活經驗的增長,學生獲得「密度」的概念,並以此做爲推論物質之溶解性的傾向增加,而且在學生獲取「酸」的概念以及高中的「化學式」概念後,仍有並存於學生認知結構中的現象。


The purpose of this study was to explore students' conceptual formation and development about dissolving. The subjects are 6(superscript th) graders, second-year junior high school students, and second-year high school students. The research methods includeds POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) (to 3 classes of students from each different grade, IAI (Interview About Instance) (10 students from each different grade), and cross examination with previous studies (Hsu and Pon, 2002). It was discovered that students judge whether or not a substance dissolves in water by determining if the substance is oil, when glycerin, normally unfamiliar to students, was tested. Students with higher education levels tend to base their judgments on school experience. For cornstarch, which is regularly seen in daily life, students tend to make their judgments based on life experiences rather than school experiences. During the formation of misconception, students tend to overgeneralize the relationships of ”oil, density, and dissolving” and ”all acid can be dissolved in water”. But as school experience increases, students gradually formed concepts for density, and have a higher tendency for determining solvency based on this concept. Even after students formed concepts of acids and chemical formulas in high school, it appeared that both concepts still co-exist in a student's cognitive structure.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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