


Grand Synthesis of an Evolution Theory of Creativity and Its Implications in Science Education




林財庫(Tsai-Ku Lin)


創造 ; 進化 ; 統整課程 ; 平行同構 ; 系統典範 ; Creativity ; Evolution ; Integrated Curriculum ; Parallelism ; Isomorphism




13卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


141 - 168






This article has tried to build a concrete anchor between the concepts of evolution and creativity from several different fields of knowledge, e.g., psychology, theory of evolution, genetic epistemology, philosophy of science, evolutionary epistemology, and system theories. By ways of this anchor and the hypothesis of parallel isomorphism, the categories, model, theories, laws and logics of evolution in many different fields might be able to be implanted consciously to construct the theory and logics of creativity. In this way creativity will have its own concrete theories and logics, which might be helpful for curriculum writers and science teachers to develop and teach the integrated curriculum of natural science and to cultivate the pupils' abilities of logical thinking and creativity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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