


A Study of the Relationship between Textbooks and Elementary and Middle School Students' Cell-related Conceptal Learning




盧秀琴(Chow-Chin Lu)


細胞相關課程 ; 教科書分析 ; 顯微鏡 ; 另有概念 ; Cell-related Curriculum ; Content Analysis ; Microscope ; Alternative Conception




13卷4期(2005 / 12 / 01)


367 - 386






This study used content analysis to propose the content framework of cell-related curriculum in elementary and middle school textbooks. The results demonstrated that the contents of cell-related curriculums were arranged to move from simple and basic to complex and advanced connotations. The students studied the operation skills of using a microscope before studying cell-related concepts. Cell-related concepts became more complete with the increasing age of the students. Furthermore, the study used two-tier multiple-choice tests to examine what kinds of articles and explanation notes besides the pictures in the textbooks could possibly lead the students to have alternative concepts. The textbook contributed to alternative concepts for 21.9~28.1% of the elementary students, 10.8~16.2% of the junior high students, and 13.0~21.7% of the senior high students. Finally, classroom observations showed; the teachers really relied on the textbook; we did find that the arrangement of textbooks, articles and explanatory notes in the textbooks influenced the students’ learning of cellrelated concepts. Several comments on possible flaws in the textbook can be drawn from the results as follows: 1. The text should present the pictures of water straw cell, onion epidermal cell and oral epidermal cell together with the information of enlarged ratio and also ask the difference between animal cells and plant cells. 2. The text should present various types of cell pictures and also ask if all of these were the cells, then what would be the definition of the cell. This way could help students to avoid thinking that similar sizes and shapes and neat arrangements were required to define a cell. 3. The text should list many differentiated cells from the individual, which were responsible for different functions and were unable to survive by themselves. 4. The text should list both picture image examination and actual picture from a light microscope, so that students could truly understand the picture image examination. 5. We should consider students' prior behavior before organizing the textbook contents. The texts should provide concepts and definitions of scientific terms with reasons. 6. The cell physiology experiments in the textbook should be increased to guide the students to define the scientific terms from the phenomena.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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