


The Development and Practice of Situated Cognition Teaching Activities in the Factors Unit-Using Poker Games as an Example




黃國勳(Kuo-Hsun Huang);劉祥通(Shiang-Tung Liu)


因數 ; 合作行動研究 ; 情境認知 ; Factors ; Cooperative Action Inquiry ; Situated Cognition




14卷1期(2006 / 02 / 01)


1 - 27






In order to help overcome the difficulties students have learning factors, the authors designed teaching activities from the viewpoint of situated cognition. These activities were implemented in two fifth grade classes. The study was conducted using a cooperative action inquiry approach with the authors and an elementary teacher working as a team. The team interaction produced rich dialogue between theory and realistic matters, professional expertise and pragmatic practice. The results of this study showed that the teaching activities (poker games) demonstrated students' positive attitudes toward learning, enhanced students’ concepts of factors, deepened students' thinking, induced productive strategies in solving problems, and united students' daily life experiences with school math.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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