


The Effects of Constructivist-oriented Web-based Science Learning on Middle School Students' "Force" Concept Learning




梁志平(Chi-Ping Liang);佘曉清(Hsiao-Ching She)


網路學習 ; 建構主義 ; 概念建構 ; Web-based Learning ; Constructivism ; Conceptual Change




14卷5期(2006 / 12 / 01)


493 - 516






This research examined the hypothesis that the use of constructivist-oriented, web-based science learning would allow students to develop more scientific views of force concepts. Results showed that the experimental group (use of constructivist-oriented web-based science learning) performed better on both the post-test and the retention-test of force concepts than the control group (traditional teaching). In addition, within the experimental group, both high and low achievement students made statistically significant progress on both the post-test and the retention-test. It appears that the use of constructivist-oriented wed-based science learning promote better and immediate performance and retention effects in students than traditional instruction method. The results of the students' learning path analysis showed that high achievement students had fewer misconceptions than middle or low achievement students on most sections except for the measurement and classification of force. It also showed that high achievement students made statistically greater progress than middle and low achievement students on the post-test on measurement of force, balanced force, force in combination, classification of force, and on the retention test on balanced force, force in combination and classification of force.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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