


Intrinsic Factors Influencing Secondary Science Teachers' Acceptance of Information Technology




吳為聖(Wei-Shen Wu);張惠博(Huey-Por Chang);郭重吉(Chorng-Jee Guo)


科技接受模式 ; 融入自我效能 ; 適配性知覺 ; Perceived Fit ; Self-eEfficacy of Infusion ; Technology Acceptance Model




15卷5期(2007 / 10 / 01)


543 - 563




探討影響教師實施資訊科技融入教學的因素已累積豐碩的描述性成果,然而,較少研究進行相關理論的驗證。為瞭解促使教師實施資訊科技融入教學的內在動機因素,本研究根據社會認知理論(Social Cognitive Theory)和任務科技適配理論(Task-technology Fit Theory),提出融入自我效能(Self-efficacy of Infusion)和適配性知覺(Perceived Fit)兩個外部變數擴充科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model),藉以檢驗教師接受資訊科技的內在因素。透過問卷調查方式,收集中部某縣市198位國中自然科教師的有效樣本,利用結構方程模式分析模型的契合度和路徑屬性。研究結果顯示自然科教師對資訊科技融入教學的意向確實受到融入自我效能、適配性知覺、有用性知覺、易用性知覺等因素的直接或間接影響。融入自我效能扮演研究模型的外生變數,經由適配性知覺、有用性知覺和易用性知覺的中介,產生六條影響融入意向的路徑,其中有三條路徑是經由適配性知覺影響融入意向。


Investigation on factors influencing teachers' acceptance of information technology (IT) in teaching have produced extensive findings, still, there are few empirical works validating the theoretical assumptions. In order to understand teachers' intrinsic determinants toward teaching with IT, this study added two mediating variables, self-efficacy of infusion and perceived fit, to extend the technology acceptance model. The model was tested using survey responses from 198 middle school science teachers. Data were analyzed by a structural equation modeling approach and the results showed a reasonably good fit. Findings indicated that intention to infusion was significantly influenced by self-efficacy of infusion, perceived fit, perceived usefulness and perceived ease-ofuse either directly or indirectly. There were six paths from self-efficacy to intention of infusion, including three paths via perceived fit to intention of infusion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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