


Implementation of Web-based Assessment System in Improving In-service Teachers' Assessment Literacy




王子華(Tzu-Hua Wang);范雅晴(Ya-Ching Fan);王國華(Kuo-Hua Wang)


WATA系統 ; P2R-WATA評量素養培育模式 ; 教師評量素養 ; 師資培育 ; 數位學習 ; WATA System ; P2R-WATA Assessment Development ; Assessment Literacy ; Teacher Education ; e-Learning




16卷1期(2008 / 02 / 01)


25 - 51




教師評量素養會影響教學的成敗,許多針對「在職教師」或是「修過評量課程的在職教師」之評量素養的調查研究,都發現有缺陷。本研究的主要目的,是希望採用一個具備「個人化」與「情境化」特性的e-Learning型態之教師評量素養培育模式-「P2R-WATA(Practicing, Reflecting and Revising with Web-based Assessment and Test Analysis system)」,讓參與研究的在職教師,可以在WATA系統的Triple-A Model(Assembling, Administering and Appraising)中進行個別化與情境化的評量知能學習。本研究採用準實驗設計,將參與研究的在職教師分為三組,分別為實驗組A(「P2R-WATA」評量素養培育模式搭配面授活動,18人)、實驗組B(「P2R-WATA」評量素養培育模式,15人)與對照組(「P2R」評量素養培育模式,16人),研究發現,實驗組A與實驗組B的在職教師,在評量知識的改善情形上,均顯著優於對照組之在職教師,另外,也發現實驗組A的在職教師,在評量觀點的改善情形,顯著優於對照組之在職教師。


Teacher assessment literacy is a key factor in the success or failure of teaching. Studies investigating in-service and pre-service teachers' assessment literacy have revealed that even teachers who have taken assessment courses lack assessment literacy. The aim of this research is to propose an effective strategy for improving in-service teacher assessment literacy. The strategy is named ”P2RWATA (Practicing, Reflecting and Revising with WATA system) assessment literacy development model”, and was developed on the basis of the WATA system (Web-based Assessment and Test Analysis system). The WATA system offers personalized and situated supporting resources and provides opportunities for in-service teachers to improve their own assessment literacy. In this research, quasi-experimental method was adopted. Participants were divided into three groups: experimental group A (P2R-WATA with face-to-face instruction, n=18), experimental group B (P2RWATAwithout face-to-face instruction, n=15) and control group (P2R without face-to-face instruction and WATA system, n=16). Results indicated that experimental groups' (A and B) inservice teachers' improvement of assessment knowledge was significantly better than control group's in-service teachers. In addition, it also showed that P2R-WATA with face-to-face instruction (experimental group A) had significantly better effectiveness in improving in-service teachers' assessment perspectives than control group’s in-service teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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