


"What Have Scientists Created?"-Students' Image toward Technology When They Read Science News Reports




黃俊儒(Chun-Ju Huang);簡妙如(Miao-Ju Jian)


科學新聞 ; 社會性科學議題 ; 先備知識 ; 科學教育 ; Science News ; Socio-Scientific Issue ; Prior Knowledge ; Science Education




16卷4期(2008 / 08 / 01)


415 - 438






In this information based society, science news has become the most important channel through which students can access new scientific developments. With this essential knowledge they can confidently discuss socio-scientific issues. What the students perceive about technology while reading science news could influence their attitude towards science and could dictate the actions they will take in the future. As previously discussed, this study planned to explore three questions: 1. What is the student's conception of technology while reading science news reports? 2. How do students perceive the aims of scientists or of science? 3. What are the features of students’ perceptual patterns toward technology? The results of the survey show that students have many incorrect images when they read technological news reports. It is also clear that these images not only affect students’ understandings of the science reported, but also generates false perceptions about the aims of scientists. Two factors seem to cause these problems: the limitations of students' prior knowledge and the innate shortcomings of science news reporting in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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