


Applying Blended Learning and Knowledge Management Strategies to Construct Guidance Model for Student Teacher Professional Growth




林凱胤(Kai-Yin Lin);楊子瑩(Tzu-Ying Yang);王國華(Kuo-Hua Wang)


知識移轉 ; 混成學習 ; 實習輔導模式 ; 實習教師 ; Knowledge Transfer ; Blended Learning ; Practice Guidance Model ; Student Teacher




17卷4期(2009 / 08 / 01)


293 - 318






The purpose of this study was to apply blended learning and knowledge management strategies to enhance professional development of Biology student teachers. The model for professional development of Biology student teachers was developed and assessed. To achieve this goal, a casestudy research method was adopted in the study involving 65 Biology student teachers for ten months (two semesters). Qualitative and quantitative data, including self-reflection journals, portfolios, questionnaires, classroom observation, interviews, video tapes, and practice grades, are collected and analyzed. The major findings were as follows: 1. Most of the student teachers claimed that they got support and benefits from this program. 2. The student teachers thought that program could promote their professional development. 3. The student teachers used multiple methods to capture mentors' and peers' tacit knowledge, practiced teaching to facilitate the translation of tacit knowledge into explicit, compounded various resources and teaching methods into instruction, and internalized the explicit through microteaching.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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