


Study of Junior Students' Alternative Conceptions on Homeostasis




林素華(Shu-Hua Lin);劉燿誠(Yao-Cheng Liu)


二段式診斷測驗 ; 生物恆定性 ; 另有概念 ; Two-Tier Diagnostic Test ; Homeostasis ; Alternative Conceptions




18卷1期(2010 / 02 / 01)


25 - 41






The purpose of this study was to develop a two-tier diagnostic instrument-Two-Tier Diagnostic Test for Homeostasis (TTDTH) to find juniors’ alternative conceptions of homeostasis. None-hundred twenty students were sampled from six junior high schools in the middle of Taiwan. These students were administered the TTDTH. The results showed that the average difficulty and average index of discrimination of the TTDTH were 0.47 and 0.59 respectively. The Cronbach alpha value for internal consistency was 0.81. Even though the students had received instruction in biology classrooms, 7-9 (superscript th)grade students still had alternative conceptions about the definition of homeostasis, source of body temperature, difference between endothermic animal and poikilothermic animals, homeostasis mechanism of body temperature, difference between respiration and respiratory movement, homeostasis mechanism for gases, accumulation and depletion of the water, homeostasis mechanism for water, importance of blood sugar, source of blood sugar and the homeostasis mechanism of blood sugar. Findings of this study suggested that the TTDTH could be used as a diagnostic test for homeostasis. The identification of alternative homeostasis conceptions can be a valuable resource for diagnosis of students and for instruction and curriculum development related to homeostasis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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