


The Influences of a Thinking-Based Inquiry Learning Intervention on Eighth Graders' Scientific Inquiry Abilities




洪振方(Jeng-Fung Hung)


明示教學 ; 科學思考策略 ; 科學探究能力 ; 探究式學習 ; Explicit Teaching ; Scientific Thinking Strategies ; Scientific Inquiry Abilities ; Inquiry Learning




18卷5期(2010 / 10 / 01)


389 - 415




本研究之思考導向的探究式學習是以探索、解釋、交流及反思等提供學生探究的經驗,再結合與探究有關的科學思考策略的明示教學,以及Zohar (2004)提出的課室中發展思考的五項教學策略所構成,目的在探討其對國二學生科學探究能力的影響。研究採不等組前後測準實驗設計,實驗對象爲三所國中二年級學生共10班,分別爲實驗組5班共172人和對照組5班共172人。實驗組實施思考導向的探究式學習,對照組實施教科書的實驗教學,實驗處理期間爲國二第一學期。以科學過程技能前測爲共變項,科學探究能力爲依變項,進行多變量共變數分析。研究發現:(1)實驗組在形成另有假說、評價及選擇假說、設計實驗、預測實驗結果及解釋等探究能力比對照組好;(2)實驗組在形成另有假說和設計實驗等探究能力的學習保留效果比對照組好;(3)實驗組在控制實驗的設計上仍存在一些問題。本研究對上述的發現,提出教學上與研究上的建議。


The thinking-based inquiry learning approach in this study was to provide students' inquiry experiences through explorations, explanations, communications and reflections, combined with explicit teaching of scientific thinking strategies related to inquiry as well as the five teaching strategies proposed by Zohar (2004), to explore the influence on eighth graders' scientific inquiry abilities. A non-equivalent pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was adopted. Ten classes of eighth graders participated in this study with an experiment group and a control group each of 172 persons. The thinking-based inquiry learning experimental sequence and an equivalent control group sequence with traditional publisher-designed experiments were conducted separately for one semester. An MANCOVA was conducted with students' pre-test science process skills scores as the covariate and their scientific inquiry abilities as the dependent variables. The results revealed that students in the experimental groups developed better scientific inquiry abilities such as formulating alternative hypotheses, evaluating, selecting hypothesis, designing experiments, predicting results and explaining, than students in the control groups. Additionally, a better learning retention effect was found for experimental groups in formulating alternative hypotheses and designing experiments. However, some difficulties in designing controlled experiments were still observed for students in the experiment groups. Based on the findings of the present study, some recommendations were provided for science teaching and further research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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