


Exploring the Impact of Guided TAPping Scientific Reading-Writing Activity on Sixth Graders




靳知勤(Chi-Chin Chin);楊惟程(Wei-Cheng Yang);段曉林(Hsiao-Lin Tuan)


引導式Toulmin論證模式引導式TAP ; 科學素養 ; 科學寫作 ; 科學閱讀 ; 閱讀與寫作 ; Guided Toulmin's Argument Pattern Guided TAP ; Scientific Literacy ; Scientific Writing ; Scientific Reading ; Reading and Writing




18卷5期(2010 / 10 / 01)


443 - 467




本研究結合讀寫活動和Toulmin論證模式(Toulmin's Argument Pattern, TAP)成爲「引導式Toulmin論證模式」(簡稱引導式TAP),期以結構與明確化特性,協助國小六年級學童進行科學讀寫,並檢視其成效。研究採單組前、後測設計,27名學生參與;起始於基因改造食品讀寫活動,隨後從事閱讀理解測驗與短文撰寫,此爲前測;繼之,以具結構化特性之TAP細格工作單,供學生填寫,組織其相關概念;最末,再進行一次閱讀理解測驗與短文撰寫,做爲後測。所蒐集分析的資料包括閱讀理解成績、撰文得分、課程回饋意見等。研究發現學童的閱讀理解在前、後測間無顯著差異,且前測答對率已接近八成,顯示先前之閱讀活動已使學童對基因改造相關內容有了充分的理解,足以做爲從事後續填寫TAP論證細格之所需。至於在短文撰寫方面,前、後測間達顯著差異;且科學用詞在後測時增加,一般生活用詞則減少。綜上,引導式TAP可協助學童科學讀寫中整理思考,以提升讀寫表現。末了,本文亦就本模式之運用提出相關建議。


Based on the importance of constructing a useful reading-writing strategy for elementary students, this study aimed to develop the guided TAPping module that utilizes an integrated approach with TAP (Toulmin's Argument Pattern) and scientific reading-writing activity, to explore the impact of argumentation on reading and writing. 27 sixth graders participated in this one-group pretest-posttest design study. Both in the pre/posttests, all students engaged in active scientific reading-writing activities on a genetically modified foods issue. TAP argumentation work occurred between the pre/posttests, which involved all students filling out the eight wbqr/WBQR (warrant, backing, qualifier, and rebuttal) argument cells. Data collections and analysis included reading comprehension scores, essays, the use of science words in essays, and students' responses from feedback questionnaires as well as interviews. The impact of TAP on reading and writing revealed that no significant difference in reading comprehension was found between the pre/posttests, but a significant difference occurred in essay writing. The total science words in all students' essays were more than in the pretests. Moreover, the students' responses expressed that the design of TAPping cells worksheets helped them to conscientiously and carefully do the reading-writing activities, that the method of reading-writing activity connecting TAP argumentation work provided them with valid prior knowledge for arguing, and that the module of guided TAPping helped them achieve a learning effect in writing automaticity. This study suggests that integrating TAP argumentation work with reading-writing activity is a useful strategy in elementary school literacy learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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