
理性、批判思考和教育-論Harvey Siegel的批判思考理論


Rationality, Critical Thinking, and Education-The Critical Thinking Theory of Harvey Siegel




蘇鈺楠(Yu-Nan Su)


批判思考 ; 科學哲學 ; 理性教育 ; Critical Thinking ; Philosophy of Science ; Rational Education




19卷1期(2011 / 02 / 01)


25 - 37




在英美分析哲學的傳統之下,批判思考能力的培育一直是重要的教育目的。然而在眾多研究批判思考的學者當中,以批判思考做爲教育目的,並在批判思考中將理性和教育之連結,做出最詳盡的論述與證成者,無疑爲英國科學哲學家Harvey Siegel。本文企圖以其對理性思考之角度切入,瞭解其知識論的觀點,並逐步擴及其對批判思考能力內涵和教育之結合,揭露以批判思考做爲教育目的之四大理由―把學生當成個體來尊重、自足並爲成年作準備、引領入理性傳統、批判思考和民主生活,和批判思考與教育間之關係,最後並以此產生出在教育上的啟示。


Developing critical thinking ability is a crucial purpose of education. Among critical scholars, British scientific philosopher, Harvey Siegel's work impressively demonstrates the relationship between rationality and education, and considers critical thinking ability as an end of education. This research, based on his perspective on epistemology, traces Siegel's theory concerning the connection between rationality and critical thinking, to reveal four reasons to take critical thinking as an educational purpose-respect for students as persons, self-sufficiency and preparation for adulthood, initiation into rational traditions, critical thinking and democratic living. The paper then applies the connection to a consideration of critical thinking and education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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