


A Study of Virtual Reality and Problem-Based Learning Applied in Mobile Medical Education




廖述盛(Shu-Sheng Liaw);黃秀美(Hsiu-Mei Huang);賴崇閔(Chung-Min Lai)


行動學習 ; 問題導向學習 ; 虛擬實境 ; Mobile Learning ; Problem-Based Learning ; Virtual Reality




19卷3期(2011 / 06 / 01)


237 - 256




本研究主要在建立一個「行動虛擬人體結構學習系統」用於輔助學生在人體結構學上的學習。本系統利用虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)技術建置3D立體化人體器官,學習者可透過此系統觀察3D虛擬人體器官,使其瞭解人體器官的功能、運作方式及人體結構間的空間位置。本系統以網頁的方式呈現一個互動式的學習環境,運作於行動載具(如:PDA),學習者可利用行動載具及無線網路進行行動學習,如此可在不受時間及空間的限制下進行學習,增加學習上的便利性和即時性。有鑑於問題導向學習(Problem-Based Learning, PBL)逐漸受到教育界的重視。因此,本系統結合問題導向學習,讓學生在學習情境中獲取問題解決的能力,如此可提供學生判斷思考的機會,並進而培養學生臨床上問題解決能力。本研究旨在探討3D虛擬實境結合問題導向學習及行動學習應用於醫學教育之研究,並依據問題導向學習、虛擬實境等文獻建立研究架構,其研究變數包括:虛擬實境三特性(互動性、融入性及想像力)、行動化虛擬實境教材的喜好及問題導向學習的態度。評估的方法是以採用問卷調查的方式瞭解學生對行動化醫學教育之態度,研究結果顯示虛擬實境的互動性、融入性及想像力皆可預測行動化虛擬實境教材的喜好、行動化虛擬實境教材的喜好可預測問題導向學習的態度。


In this study the authors built a Mobile Virtual Body Structures Learning System to support learners in studying human structure. This system used Virtual Reality (VR) to create three-dimensional models of the human organs that help learners to memorize the human structure, organ functions and knowledge of 3D spatial relationship between organ structures. This system is a Web-based interactive learning environment executed by a mobile device (such as PDA). Therefore, learners can use this 3D VR learning system at any place when they need. Specially, this system adopted Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach as the learning and teaching strategy in order to enhance learner's problem solving ability. The purpose of this study attempted to evaluate learners' perceptions of virtual reality and problem-based learning applied in mobile medical education. There search variables: virtual reality features (immersion, interaction, imagination), learners' preferences of mobile virtual reality learning and learning attitude of problem-based learning were investigated in this study. Finally, a questionnaire was developed for evaluating learners' attitude toward the mobile medical education. Results indicated that immersion, interaction and imagination can predict learner preferences of mobile virtual reality as well as learner of mobile virtual reality material and learning attitude of problem-based learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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