


The Effect of Modeling Instruction on Understanding of Models and Geologic Conceptions of Primary School Students




洪振方(Jeng-Fung Hung);莊敏雄(Min-Shiung Chuang);宋國城(Quo-Chen Sung)


地質概念理解 ; 建模教學 ; 模型認知 ; Geologic Conceptions ; Modeling Instruction ; Understanding of Models




19卷4期(2011 / 08 / 01)


309 - 333




This study aimed to investigate the effect of modeling instructions on understanding of models and geologic conceptions of primary school students using a quasi-experimental design. A six-week geologic conception teaching sequence was conducted in three classes of sixth grade students. The classes were subjected to different modeling instructional approaches and were entitled: Modeling Sequences (Guiding students to construct models through teacher-student discussion), Model Making (Guiding students to construct models using teacher demonstration of model making) and Graphical Models (Guiding students to draw models through teacher illustration of graphic models). Pre-and post-teaching assessment was implemented using the SUMS (with a Cronbach's α value of .85) and a Geologic Conception Test (with a Cronbach's α value of .83, an average item difficulty of .45, and a discriminant validity of each question higher than .25). The pre-test data were used as the covariate for ANCOVA. The pre- and post-teaching ground plane structure models drawn by the students were used to analyze their model-using ability. The findings revealed that for understanding of models and for geologic conceptions, Modeling Sequence had the highest score, followed by Model Making and then Graphical Models (p<.050), and that Modeling Sequence had the best score for model-using ability.


This study aimed to investigate the effect of modeling instructions on understanding of models and geologic conceptions of primary school students using a quasi-experimental design. A six-week geologic conception teaching sequence was conducted in three classes of sixth grade students. The classes were subjected to different modeling instructional approaches and were entitled: Modeling Sequences (Guiding students to construct models through teacher-student discussion), Model Making (Guiding students to construct models using teacher demonstration of model making) and Graphical Models (Guiding students to draw models through teacher illustration of graphic models). Pre-and post-teaching assessment was implemented using the SUMS (with a Cronbach's α value of .85) and a Geologic Conception Test (with a Cronbach's α value of .83, an average item difficulty of .45, and a discriminant validity of each question higher than .25). The pre-test data were used as the covariate for ANCOVA. The pre- and post-teaching ground plane structure models drawn by the students were used to analyze their model-using ability. The findings revealed that for understanding of models and for geologic conceptions, Modeling Sequence had the highest score, followed by Model Making and then Graphical Models (p<.050), and that Modeling Sequence had the best score for model-using ability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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