


A Study of Integrated Diagnostic Teaching on Fractions forElementary Fifth-Grade Students




溫世展(Shih-Chan Wen)


迷思概念 ; 單位量 ; 等值分數 ; 診斷教學 ; 認知衝突 ; Misconception ; Unit Amount ; Equivalent Fraction ; Integrated Diagnostic Teaching ; CognitiveConflict




19卷5期(2011 / 10 / 01)


383 - 408






The purpose of this research is to examine the effectiveness of integrated diagnostic teaching on the learning of fractions. A Quasi-experimental approach is adopted in this research and the lessons on fractions were taught to fifth grade students in elementary school. The research tools included integrated diagnostic teaching activities and assessments. The experimental group was instructed using the method of integrated diagnostic teaching and the control group was taught using the method of small discussion groups. The two groups had similar math ability and fractions concepts before the experimental teaching. They were chosen based on two exams (midterm and final) during their first semester of 5th grade and a pretest on fractions. The results of the integrated diagnostic teaching were analyzed through comparisons and contrasts between these two groups from three sources: (1) results of a fractions test after instruction (a post-test); (2) a retention test; and (3) scores on the school’s midterm test in the second semester. In addition, judgments of experimental group students’ performance based on classroom observation is also included. The results of this research reveals that the integrated diagnostic teaching can create cognitive conflicts for students and their misconceptions on fractions can be dispelled, clarified and corrected effectively. In addition, it can save teachers’ lesson preparation time. The main research results are reported as follows: (1) The post-test, retention test and the school’s midterm results revealed that the experimental group achieved higher math scores than the control group. (2) The analysis on classroom observation revealed that integrated diagnostic teaching is beneficial for learning of fractions. It improves students’ thinking, reflection and oral expression skills. Further, based on the research results, this study proposes some suggestions for designing integrated diagnostic teaching activities, design of textbooks, instructions, teacher development, and future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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