


Combining Hands-on and Virtual Experiments to Promote Eighth-Grade Students' Knowledge Integration, Experimental Ability and Learning Strategies




蔡錕承(Kun-Chen Tsai);張欣怡(Hsin-Yi Chang)


知識整合 ; 虛擬實驗 ; 溫度與熱 ; 實物實驗 ; Knowledge Integration ; Virtual Experiment ; Heat and Temperature ; Hands-on Experiment




19卷5期(2011 / 10 / 01)


435 - 459




本研究探討八年級學生接受網路科學探究課程─「溫度與熱」單元教學後,課程中所包含的兩種實驗,實物實驗(hands-on experiment)與虛擬實驗(virtual experiment),於促進學生溫度與熱概念之知識整合成效,並討論學生進行實物與虛擬實驗所展現的學習策略與實驗能力,以瞭解本研究虛擬與實物實驗於學生學習所扮演的角色,以及學生實驗能力由實物實驗過渡至虛擬實驗的情形。本研究採混合研究法,以32位高雄市八年級學生為研究對象,資料收集包含進行課程之前、後測驗、課程中之嵌入式評量、以及學生電腦操作與討論影音檔。研究結果顯示實物與虛擬實驗活動均可促進學生知識整合。多數學生並可將於實物實驗所展現之實驗能力過渡至虛擬實驗。而兩種實驗活動均可促進學生高層次學習策略的使用。然而,有較多學生於理解本研究虛擬實驗的研究情境與問題產生困難,另一方面,則有較多的學生於解釋實物實驗的結果並連結至科學原則產生困難,但本研究亦提出證據,說明這些困難應為課程中意欲的困難。


In this study we investigated how hands-on and virtual experiments of heat and temperature could support 8th-grade students’ knowledge integration of heat and temperature, development of experimental ability, and employment of learning strategies. The study employed mixed methods. Thirty-two eighthgrade students in Kaohsiung participated in this study. Data collected included pre-post tests, embedded assessments, and process videos during the hands-on and virtual experiments. The results indicate that both types of experiments effectively facilitated students’ knowledge integration of the heat and temperature concepts. The majority of students were able to translate their experimental abilities from hands-on to virtual experiments. Moreover, students employed high-level learning strategies during both the hands-on and virtual experiments. Finally, we identified difficult areas in both types of experiments that require further curriculum support, including how to guide students to make sense of the experiment context and develop questions in the virtual experiment environment, and guide students to explain the experimental results and connect to science principles in the hands-on experiment environment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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