


A Survey Study of Fifth Graders' Mathematics Self-Efficacy




張宇樑(Yu-Liang Chang)


性別 ; 家長教育風格 ; 家庭社經地位 ; 數學學業成就 ; 學生數學自我效能感 ; Gender ; Parenting Style ; Family Socio-economic Status ; Mathematical Academic Achievement ; Student's Mathematics Self-Efficacy




19卷6期(2011 / 12 / 01)


507 - 530






The purposes of this study include: (1) Investigating the current status of fifth graders’ Mathematics Self-Efficacy (MSE) in elementary schools in the central part of Taiwan. (2) Examining the difference of these students’ MSE by factors of gender, family Socio-Economic Status (SES), and parenting style. (3) Examining the difference in academic mathematical achievement among these students who had different levels (i.e., high, middle, and low) of MSE. (4) Analyzing if a student’s MSE could effectively predict his/ her mathematical achievement. Accordingly, a survey method was employed. The research samples (769 students) were selected by a stratified random sampling method from all fifth graders in targeted elementary schools. A student background questionnaire and a mathematics self-efficacy instrument were used for gathering the data, as well as collecting their school mathematical achievement scores. Corresponding statistical analyses were then applied. Findings were generalized as followings: (1) Considering the mean scores of MSE, participants had approximately 71.0% degree of confidence in their own mathematical learning abilities, while 25.9% of them had less than 60.0% confidence. (2) For factors of gender and SES, no significant difference on their MSE was found. For parenting style, fifth-graders under an authoritativereciprocal discipline pattern had significantly superior ratings on MSE than those who with either an indulgent-permissive pattern or an indifferent-uninvolved pattern. (3) For mathematical achievement T score, fifth-graders with high MSE scored significantly better than those who with middle and low MSE. (4) Fifth-graders’ MSE ratings (whole scale) could predict their mathematical achievement scores in the school. Further, their ”Self-Efficacy for Mathematical Learning” (SEML) ratings (sub-scale) could also predict their mathematical academic achievement: the better their SEML ratings the better their mathematical achievement. Based on these findings and discussion, concrete recommendations are proposed for efficacious improvements of fifth-graders’ mathematics self-efficacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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