


The Emerging of Islands of Expertise: Exploring the Guiding Strategies of Parents




侯天麗(Tien-Li Hou)


家庭學習 ; 專家島嶼 ; 鷹架 ; Family Science Learning ; Islands of Expertise ; Scaffolding




20卷2期(2012 / 04 / 01)


119 - 144






The islands of expertise theory suggests children's interests may transition into expertise with the ongoing support of parents in the context of everyday life. Using a socio-cultural lens, the researcher explored the role of parents and their guiding strategies to support the emerging of islands of expertise. Around the topic of dinosaurs, fifteen families with children between the ages of 4 and 6 years were recruited. The interaction of parents and children and the learning performance of children were tracked, and through contrasting analysis, the guiding strategies of parents of expert children were traced. The results included: (1) The content knowledge of parents with expert children was already beyond the level of identification and declaration of dinosaurs' features and behavior. These parents tended to connect their dinosaur knowledge to ecology. (2) Parents with expert children employed a variety of scaffolding strategies. Above all, reasoning and monitoring were crucial to these expert children's learning. (3) Parents' content knowledge and scaffolding strategies were both correlated to children's learning performance. While younger children were more dependent on their parents' content knowledge, older children were more dependent on their high-level scaffolding.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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