


Exploring the Middle Science Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Science Teaching Orientations




張世忠(Syh-Jong Jang);蔡孟芳(Meng-Fang Tsai);陳鶴元(Ho-Yuan Chen)


國中教師知覺 ; 科學教學導向 ; 專業發展 ; 學科教學知識 ; Middle Teachers' Perception ; Orientations to Science Teaching ; Professional Development ; Pedagogical Content Knowledge




20卷5期(2012 / 10 / 01)


413 - 433




科學教師的學科教學知識(PCK)發展被熱烈討論與研究,它是教師知識的核心,也是有效教學的基礎。本研究的目的是根據Magnusson, Krajcik與Borko(1999)發展的PCK模式,設計一套有效評量PCK的工具來評估目前臺灣現職國中科學老師的PCK樣貌,以及檢驗教師的科學教學導向和PCK組成因素之間的關聯。結果發現科學教師的最高平均值是科學課程知識,最低值為評量與科學素養知識。在性別上,只有在科學課程知識有顯著的差異,男性教師認為他們在科學課程知識是明顯的高於女性教師。依教學經驗不同,所得三個因素科學課程知識、學生理解科學知識、和評量與科學素養知識及PCK整體在統計上有顯著差異。而目前科學教師使用最頻繁的教學導向是講述方式,而講述式受試教師群當中,在教學策略知識和科學教學導向之間有統計上顯著性相關,然而其相關性為弱的並且是負相關;研究亦發現評量與科學素養知識和活動導向式教學有顯著相關性;本研究的發現與建議可作為未來在職教師發展科學教師之PCK與教學導向的參考。


Science teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) has gathered great importance in recent years. PCK is the core of teacher knowledge and the base of effective teaching. Following the model of Magnusson, Krajcik, and Borko (1999), an instrument was developed with satisfactory content and construct validity in this study. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship exists between all orientations to science teaching and PCK components, and explore whether the PCK of middle science teachers differ significantly according gender, and teaching experience in Taiwan. We found the highest mean score regarding PCK of science teachers is the Knowledge of Science Curricula (KSC), whereas, the lowest mean score is the Knowledge of Assessment of Scientific Literacy (KASL). The results indicated that KSC was found to be significantly different by gender, and science teachers' overall PCK and three components (i.e., KSC, KSUS and KASL) were significantly different according to teaching experiences. On the other hand, the didactic orientation was the most commonly used method of science teaching in Taiwanese middle schools. According to the Pearson correlation analysis, it was found the didactic orientation was negatively related to KIS. We also found KASL was significantly correlated to activity-driven orientation. Research implications of this study are provided along with suggestions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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