


Research on Concern Based Adoption Model and Technology Acceptance Model of Principals' Technology Leadership of Elementary and Secondary in Taipei




戴建耘(Chien-Yun Dai);陳宛非(Wan-Fei Chen);韓長澤(Charng-Tzer Harn);賴慕回(Mu-Hui Lai);高曼婷(Man-Ting Kao)


科技接受模式3 ; 科技領導 ; 關切階層 ; Technology Acceptance Model 3 ; Technology Leadership ; Concern-Based Adoption Model




21卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


97 - 133






As information technology develops, in order to respond to the current trend, educational organizations use information technology in teaching and establish digital learning environment and management platform. School leaders require a new concept to be highly concerned about the trend regarding to technology development. They have to use their technology management ability to promote school management efficiency. Therefore, showing technology leadership ability concretely becomes one of a principal’s vital key abilities. The aims of the study lie in understanding the levels of ”Innovation Concern” and ”Technology Acceptance” after the principals in Taipei city participated in the Technology Leadership Workshop, and understanding the differences in terms of various background and dependent variables. This study primarily involved questionnaire survey complemented with interviews. Among 226 elementary, junior and senior high schools in Taipei City, there were 43 principals participating in the Technology Leadership Workshop, there are 40 effectives, reaching 93.00%. The results showed that, in terms of the principals’ Innovation Concern level toward technology leadership, the level of result concern was the highest. For principals with the career duration of less than four years, 5 to 8 years and over 13 years, their performances in computer playfulness were significantly better than principals with the service duration of 9 to 12 years. In terms of the level of school the principals served, the performances of senior high school principals in result concern and subjective norm were better than those of elementary school principals. For principals within school size of less than 24 classes and over 49 classes, their performances in collaboration concern and perceived ease of use were better than principals with school size of 25 ~ 48 classes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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