


The Development of Natural Science Academic Aptitude Tests for High School Students




侯雅齡(Ya-Ling Hou)


自然科學 ; 測驗編製 ; 資優學生 ; 題目反應理論 ; Natural Science ; Test Development ; Gifted/Talented Students ; Item Response Theory




21卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


189 - 213




科學資優是相當受到重視的學術性向資優領域,臺灣許多高中都設有科學資優班,以提供科學資優學生適性的教育服務。科學資優學生的鑑定方式之一,乃需要透過標準化的科學性向測驗以瞭解學生是否具有優異的科學潛能。本研究目的在編製適用於高中學生的自然科學術性向測驗,以作為鑑定科學資賦優異學生的工具。試題以科學思考與推理能力(scientific thinking and reasoning)的評估為核心,區分為物理、化學、生物、地科四範疇,所有題目皆經過嚴格的內容審查,並以全國高一學生為母群,抽取1,878名學生進行預試。正式測驗計有35題,其內部一致性Cronbach’s α信度為 .813,間隔三週的重測信度為 .898,與「國中基本學力測驗的自然科學成就」的相關為 .782。以差異試題功能(differential item functioning)檢驗男女生在各試題的表現,並未有嚴重性別偏失的試題。最後以1,033位高一生為常模樣本,建立百分等級及常態化T分數常模。


Scientific talent is an important category of giftedness. An excellent indicator of scientific talent is standardized aptitude tests. The purpose of this study was to develop a Natural Science Aptitude Test for identification of scientific talented students. The test developer established a common scale for the three parameters logistic test model by test equating. Tests editing applied item response theory. The content domains included Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth Scienceknowledge. Coefficient of internal consistency (Cronbach's α) was .813. Coefficients of stability for three weeks achieved .898. The criterion-related validity evidence from estimate of the correlation between ”The Basic Competence Test” scores and ”The Natural Science Aptitude Tests” scores was .782. In the study of gender differential item functioning (DIF), results showed that all of items did not display gender DIF. Percentile rank and normal T-score norm of test was based on 1,033 High School Students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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