


The Development of an Extended CIPP Curriculum Evaluation Model Using in High Scope Program-A Case of High School Robot Curriculum




林建良(Chien-Liang Lin);黃台珠(Tai-Chu Huang);莊雪華(Hsueh-Hua Chuang);趙大衛(David Chao)


背景輸入過程成果模式 ; 課程評鑑 ; 機器人課程 ; CIPP Model ; Curriculum Evaluation ; Robot Course




21卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


237 - 262




本文呈現一個整體性評鑑的個案研究,在高瞻計畫的支持下,運用Stufflebeam的CIPP(Context, Input, Process and Product)評鑑模式,來進行南臺灣某高中機器人創新課程的評鑑。研究者採取「使用個案圖」進行課程的系統分析,界定出CIPP評鑑模式中背景、輸入、過程及成果四個評鑑層面的範圍,並定義研究資料蒐集的方式及來源,包含相關人員的晤談、教學錄影、會議記錄、問卷回覆、課程作品、課程網站及學生網誌等資料。兩位大專教授及兩位高中教師先就多元的資料記錄分析及編碼,再運用Atlas.ti質性分析軟體獲取一致的編碼。根據個案研究結果修正並發展出一個評鑑高中創新課程的延伸性CIPP課程評鑑模式。從課程發展的核心價值開始,分析課程目標、課程規劃、課程活動及學習產出,並依據不同的資料來源及評鑑措施,進行背景、輸入、過程及成果四個評鑑層面的驗證。延伸性CIPP課程評鑑模式可作為高瞻計畫其他高中發展相關創新課程,改善課程設計、發展及應用的主要指標。


This article presented a case study of a holistic evaluation of the development and implementation of a high school innovative robot curriculum in southern Taiwan with the support of the High Scope Program (HSP) in line with Stufflebeam's context, input, process and product (CIPP) evaluation model. The researchers applied user cased diagram to identify the scopes of context, input, process, and output four evaluation domains of CIPP model systematically, and to categorize the data source, such as interviews, instruction video analysis, records of group meeting, questionnaire responses, course artifacts, the course website, and students' blogs. Two college professors and two high school teachers analyzed and coded the transcripts of multiple resource records, then discussed for coherent codes with Atlas.ti qualitative analysis software supportively. According to the result of this case study, an extended CIPP evaluation model was developed for the implementation of high school innovative curriculum under the analysis framework of the context, input, process, and product. That model is derived from the core value of the curriculum development to analyze the course objectives, curriculum planning, curriculum activities and learning outcomes; then to authenticate the four evaluation levels upon context, input, process and outcome via different data sources and evaluation steps. The extended CIPP evaluation model could serve as principal guides for other similar innovative curriculum affiliated with High Scope Program (HSP) to improve the design, development, and implementation of such curricula.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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